Finally, you should also keep your skillset in mind and ask yourself whether you are ready to invest time in learning an audio editing software or not. No matter how good a software is, the one that you can afford will always serve you better. You should also keep your budget in mind. For example, whether you are looking for audio editing software to edit podcasts or something complex enough to help you score a movie. Before you even begin reading this article, you should know what you are looking for. But, before you blindly follow the list and start downloading all the audio editing software mentioned here, one thing you should keep in mind is your personal requirements. Though it's free and has a number of features, Macsome Audio Editor's flawed visual design and lack of easily available instructions make it a less desirable option for all but the most sophisticated users.If you are reading this article it means that you are looking for the perfect audio editing software for Mac that you can use. That being said, those well versed in audio editing may have an easier time working with the program. Even after experimenting with the software's buttons and functions, we found simple editing tasks difficult and time-consuming.

The relatively small size of the viewing box exacerbated the design problems. After the selected song loads, the user must choose from eight buttons of the same size and color the only indication of each one's function - cutting, stopping, starting, and so on - is a tiny, hard-to-see mark in the corner. Unfortunately, the actual audio-editing process proved frustrating.

The controls to load individual songs were intuitive and allowed selections by file directory. The program lacked instructions, which would have been welcome in light of the confusing interface. It offers upgrades at no cost, indicating technical support is available. Macsome Audio Editor was quick to install and open. Macsome Audio Editor, while functional, proved difficult to use. Native music players for Mac don't allow users to edit their audio files, which may be necessary for a number of things, including making ringtones.