Apple wwdc 2017 videos
Apple wwdc 2017 videos

apple wwdc 2017 videos

Highlights include support for HEVC, playlist metavariables, IMSC1 subtitles, and synchronized playback of multiple streams. Learn about great new features and enhancements to HTTP Live Streaming. HTTP Live Streaming allows you to stream live and on-demand content to global audiences. Find out about all of the new CIFilters that include support for applying image processing to depth data and. Learn about new ways to efficiently render images and create custom CIKernels in the Metal Shading Language. Get all the details on how to access the latest capabilities of Core Image. 49:16 Advances in Core Image: Filters, Metal, Vision, and More.Leverage the full power of the Touch Bar to take your Mac app. Learn about NSScrubber, customizing the text bar, candidate list item, event handling, layout, animations, and more. Look behind the scenes into how system applications enhance their Touch Bar content with more than the basic controls. inapp purchases,ratings,receipt,reviews,sandbox,storekit,subscriptions Topics Get the latest news, and valuable tips for keeping subscribers and managing subscriptions. Gain an understanding of the pros and cons of server- versus app-based receipt validation, and how to implement this critical functionality for your In-App Purchases.

apple wwdc 2017 videos

So much power has been added to animations on iOS since their inception that it's time to think about animations in a whole new way! Learn to combine and coordinate between multiple animations, resulting in interactive transitions and learn some tips and tricks along the way. accelerate,bias,bnns,compression,simd Topics

apple wwdc 2017 videos

In addition, find out how Accelerate's Basic Neural Network Subroutines (BNNS), vDSP, simd and other subframeworks give you fast, energy-efficient signal and image processing and handle large-scale mathematical computations. Learn about Sparse Matrix Solvers in the Accelerate framework. 60 seconds,design,design best practices,design studio,design studio shorts,interactive,interactive prototype,prototype,prototyping,short,shorts Topics Learn how to quickly build interactive prototypes! See how you can test new ideas and improve upon existing ones with minimal time investment and using tools you are already familiar with.

Apple wwdc 2017 videos